Monday, September 25, 2006

The Zone


There are a lot of bands out there that are doing what I used to wish (and maybe secretly still do wish) I could do. It's more jealousy than envy, since I don't wish any of them evil, I just wish I could do what they do.

For example, I respect Christians who go into the "devil's territory", playing in bars, clubs, etc. while maintaining their testimony, causing God's light to shine without being jerks about it, and have an impact on the lost. I think that kind of mission is SO COOL… but it's not what I've been called to do.

I appreciate Christians who play concert halls and arenas, expressing their lives from a redeemed perspective, being artistic but not preachy, being salt and light in the world, and fostering open and honest discussion of virtually anything because in the end, everything matters to God and should to his people. I'd love to have the platform to express what I think and feel about anything… but I don't.


The only thing God has ever seemed to be interested in with me is making music for His church. It's the only thing He has "blessed". By that, I mean when I make music for His pleasure and for building up His people, He causes it to go well. He provides more songs that increase in maturity and power. He provides the band mates to be able to do these songs on a minimum of preparation. He provides instruments, sound equipment, even little toys and gizmos to enhance our sound.

Not only that, since I've placed the gift He entrusted to me back into His hands, He has provided the opportunity to use these gifts in meaningful, invigorating, productive ways. In the last year and a half we have purposed to not seek to advance ourselves; we have prayed and waited on the Lord for the right opportunities. And guess what?

The phone rings "out of the blue". We "bump into people" who just happen to need and to want what we do. We get emails from people we've never heard of about ministries we were unaware of. We're not overbooked to the detriment of our families, yet we're not sitting around wondering if we'll ever play again either. There is such PEACE knowing that we're doing the events He has hand-picked for us, and not taking on responsibilities He never intended.


I highly recommend finding such a "zone" in your life. Pay attention to how God has shaped you, prepared you, equipped you, and what He has poured His resources into. Invest in that. After all, if God is interested enough to invest, wouldn't you think He'd make it ultimately more worthwhile for you than the alternatives?